The Journey Program - School Based Mental Health

The Journey Program started through collaboration with the Tuscaloosa City Schools (TCS) and Indian Rivers Mental Health Center as a way to provide therapeutic services to students currently experiencing emotional and behavioral disruption in the school setting. These impairments may prevent student learning. TCS started the pilot program started in December 2014 and has expanded every year. 

In 2017, the Tuscaloosa County School System (TCSS) partnered with IRMHC to implement a similar program in their schools. TCSS started pilot program started in March 2017. 

The Journey Program therapists are a part of the child’s overall treatment team. They will work with the child and family, monitoring their progress while addressing identified symptoms and identifying any new concerns. Therapists collaborate with the child’s teacher and any other school staff working with the child. The therapist is also able to make a referral to our main office for case management, psychiatric appointment, testing, or in-home services.


1. Increasing access to mental health Services. Transportation is sometimes an issue. The Journey Program provides treatment at your child’s school.

2. Reducing the stigma of being treated at a mental health facility. You no longer need to come to the main office for therapy appointments by integrating mental health services into the school setting. All doctor appointments are at the main location.

3. Improving academic achievement through management of symptoms. Your child may increase their ability to function in his/her classroom setting which in turn may improve their grades and learning.

4. Increasing school/work attendance. Every effort is made so children are seen at school, during non-core classes when possible. Parents no longer have to take off work and check their child out for appointments.

5. Educating students, family, and school staff. Journey Program Therapists collaborate with your child’s teacher and other school staff increasing their knowledge of mental health issues.

6. Enhancing service quality and frequency of services received. Journey Program therapists are able to see your child more frequently. While at your child’s school, therapists are able to communicate with your child’s teacher and other school staff increasing the quality of services.

For more information or questions about our children programs and services click here to e-mail us.